:: Equine Care :: B-N-M Paste - 60cc syringe

B-N-M Paste - 60cc syringe

B-N-M Paste - 60cc syringe 
Formerly called Bleed-No-More™ this all natural paste for performance horses is a natural source of energy for the equine athlete. Triple strength formula is suitable for all high performance horses it is popular with both Standardbreds and Thoroughbreds in the United States, Canada, Malaysia, Macao, Turkey, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Japan. B-N-M Paste is compatible with Lasix/Salix and will not test.

A pre-race paste that is a natural source of energy.

Administer entire contents of 60cc syringe orally on the back of the horses tongue 2-4 hours prior to event. For extreme cases, administer entire contents of one 60cc syringe orally 6-8 hours before event and a second 60cc syringe orally 2-4 hours prior to the event.

SKU Q4001
Weight 0.25 lbs
Price: $12.04


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